Supercali fragi luscious Ex pee so precocious Bishme quickly on the flubs while standing on my plootions Would you dare to flubabub? Exflumpalicious motions! I say -whynot peekalick? at the fabu-luscious potions Dont stop now-what the fuck! depending on your flootions If you could just plumpaluck to pickalicious notions |
Emergency Kiss
In the shelter of your angel's wings
Lay the ugly thoughts inside your head While your angel stood by willing and hoping That they would not take form To shape the things you said In the shelter of your angel's wings Lay the angry words Not yet spoken Sitting on the tip of your tounge While your angel stood by Watching and trying so hard to reach you Imploring you not speak them But the thoughts came too fast and the ugly words left your mouth like bullets Leaving holes in those who heard them In the shelter of your angel's wings Lay a bullet waiting to be fired While you stood there Trembling, holding that gun With rage coursing through your veins Your angel stood by unseen Trying so hard to reach you Trying to guide the chaos in your mind Hoping, pleading and begging That it would never be fired. But your adrenaline kicked in And the split second it took to fire it Was not enough time To make the right choice So an action was taken That could never be undone. And after the smoke had cleared Even though you could not see Your angel's wings had fallen to the ground and shattered into a million pieces and the fragments gathered at your feet Forever broken And yet still Not realising what you had done You trampled through them After making The Choice Now written into the records of time For all Eternity |
You have broken me in a million different ways in a million different places so like shattered glass I walked through this life The wound could not have been deeper Only to realise After all this time It was meant to be For that was the only way for the light to get in And that light that has now left me Golden and for that and only that, Mother, I thank you |
Metamorphosis of the Narcissist
Born out of neglect A black hole that steals succour from the empath You gaslighted my childhood Leaving me broken and burnt But over the years I have picked up the pieces One by one I welded them back together with gold Reconfigured them into something much stronger And the burnt carbon charred remains After years of intense pressure have now crystallised into diamonds To go forward To create and heal Myself and others With unbreakable strength Sending out the light Refracting into a million different wavelengths The colours of my soul a Fierce and Purified Love Burning bright Cutting through the darkest night |